Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Release, or Recycled Reading?

You know those authors whose books you will buy the instant they come out with a new release? You don't even really need to read the book synopsis - you just KNOW it will be good and you buy it without thinking twice. That recently happened to me when Borders notified me that Tami Hoag had a new release called Heart of Gold. I needed some new books in rotation so I bought it, along with others, on Amazon (sorry Borders, Amazon won out). Once I got the book and started reading it I saw the author's note about how she loved these characters, . . . . when she first created them 20 years ago. I looked at copyright and sure enough, it was 1990. I felt duped. Not that I would have minded reading a book of hers that I hadn't already, but in the 90's she mostly did cheesy romances - stuff I enjoyed back in college. Later she moved into mystery and thrillers (with a little bit of sexiness on the side) and those are the books of hers I enjoy today. So when I dove into Heart of Gold and found it's nothing more than a pile of cliches about lust and perfect biceps, I was very disappointed. I know, I know, I should have read ALL of the information about it on Amazon before I bought it. But I feel like it should have been more apparent that it was a re-release. I'll finish the book. I'll muddle through the unrealistic scenes of a typical bad romance novel, and feel gypped when done. But I'll know next time that all 'new' releases may not be as new as they appear!


  1. Cheesy is great for a pizza, but not for a romance. They make medicine to cure that.

  2. Another reason to support your local library! Don't like, return it. No harm, no charge. So many authors, so many good books. Robert Crais, Alex Kava, Daniel Silva, Vince Flynn, the one who wrote 'the girl with the green dragon tattoo', Michael Connelly, David Baldacci, Harlan Coben, and the list goes on...


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