Sunday, April 25, 2010

LBD at the DB

Yesterday my friend and I went on a shopping mission. This mission, which we chose to accept, was to find a dress for her to wear to a special work function. We drug our slightly-hungover-from-the-night-before butts to the mall, powered up with food court lunch and caffeine, and started the hunt. After no success at the Banana (sniff), better success at Ann Taylor, and resisting the pull of DSW (another day, I will be back for you my shoe loves), we found ourselves walking by Dress Barn. We immediately turned up our noses and scoffed. Scoffed I tell you!

Who the hell was in charge of marketing this store in the first place?? You named it Dress Barn? Really? Could you have a more unappealing name? The connotations of country, frumpy, and big-as-a-barn go on an on. I guarantee that many people have refused to ever shop there purely based on the name - my friend and I included.

Despite ourselves we spotted a super cute Little Black Dress in the window. Out of desperation for the mission, and also dehydration that was making us delirious, we raised our eyebrows and slinked towards the doorway. Wellll, lets just look at that one dress. Yes there were ugly dresses. Yes there were dresses that did indeed belong at a hoe-down at the barn off Rural Route 8. But, surprisingly, there were several decent finds that left us yelling to each other across the store. "Hey! This is actually CUTE. Yea, look - this one. In between this crap here." (sorry Dress Barn employees)

After seeing several possibilities we decided that we judged too harshly. However we also decided to rename the store so that our perception of it changes. Dress Barn you have hereby been renamed Dress Cabana. Now doesn't that feel better?

1 comment:

  1. Slightly hungover......hmmmm
    ETB (embrace the bacon)


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